For Sofidel, it is essential to integrate sustainability into its purchasing processes and to reward suppliers and products with a positive impact on the environment and community. Our procurement process adopts a set of principles of corporate social responsibility which allow the company to make decisions that are not only cost-effective but also socially and environmentally sound.
Work, human rights, the environment and the fight against corruption are the issues at the center of our concept of sustainability. A vision we extend all along our supply chain.

Supplier Assessment
Sofidel has developed a system for evaluating the sustainability of its suppliers in collaboration with Global Compact Network Italia, of which it became a founding member in 2013. The system is referred to as “TenP Paper” because it is inspired by the Ten Principles of the Global Compact and permits evaluation of the supply chain in four areas: working conditions, human rights, environmental protection, and the fight against corruption.
Sofidel asks its suppliers to sign the Suppliers’ Code of Conductto behave ethically and responsibly, respecting human rights and life on Earth.
Strong relationships with suppliers and strategic partners
The last three years have been a time of great challenges for Group procurement, marked by global crises such as the pandemic and widespread raw materials shortages. In this context, what made the difference were the solid relationships Sofidel has built over time with its suppliers and strategic partners.
The “3SAwards”
To motivate our supply chain, we established the “Sofidel Suppliers Sustainability Award” (3SAward), a prize rewarding suppliers who stand out for their commitment to social issues and the environment. In 2023 Sofidel introduced a new award, the “Risk Management Pioneer Award for Climate Change”, to honor a supplier who stands out for combating climate change through a structured approach to risk management.

Together We Plant The Future
The bioeconomy pilot project, together with Suzano, to support ecological conservation and restoration, and socioeconomic development of a region in the northern Amazon.
Pianeta Terra
A festival on the ecological and social transition, for everyone who wants to think about how to protect the Earth and live sustainably.
Salone della CSR (CSR Tradeshow)
Italy's leading Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) event, in which Sofidel participates every year.
Woodland Trust
Sofidel and Woodland Trust together for 10 years to conserve the UK’s woodland heritage.
Telethon Foundation
For the 12th consecutive year, Sofidel renewed its partnership with the Telethon Foundation, which supports research into rare genetic diseases.
Together We Plant The Future
The bioeconomy pilot project, together with Suzano, to support ecological conservation and restoration, and socioeconomic development of a region in the northern Amazon.
Pianeta Terra
A festival on the ecological and social transition, for everyone who wants to think about how to protect the Earth and live sustainably.
Salone della CSR (CSR Tradeshow)
Italy's leading Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) event, in which Sofidel participates every year.
Woodland Trust
Sofidel and Woodland Trust together for 10 years to conserve the UK’s woodland heritage.
Telethon Foundation
For the 12th consecutive year, Sofidel renewed its partnership with the Telethon Foundation, which supports research into rare genetic diseases.